I haven't updated in a while because I've been incredibly busy. At the same time, very happy. I have a steady if not constant job, heh, and I've made a lot of new friends. Soooo much to tell. OKay here goes.
Gen's life, in a downloadable bit.
So what you will quickly realize from all of this, if you havent already, that really the only downside to life right now is that with all the time I spend working on work... I have almost no time for seeing people/talking to people. Which stinks, since I havent seen chrinstina since before starting work almost 3 weeks ago. =0( I havent heard from danny in a long while either.
Other than that: here is my life::::::::
I am working now for a direct marketing company called Tri-state Events for a woman named Kate. Kate is younger than I am, and started in the business when she was only 19. She is already manager and owns her own company. It's very exciting. I really like the people I work with, which is a great thing because I spend alot of my time with them. I stick around after work to help paint, rearrange the warehouse, and just hang out. The gal who hired me onto her team in the office is named Ashley. She and I got to be good friends pretty quickly. She helped me make my push for Leadership last week. The way the company works is that there are different levels of involvement, and you move up and get promoted after you meet certain of the training programs requirements.
So far I've high rolled the office twice, and my name is on the wall certifying that I've gotten my first promotion. Monday I plan on giving my first IMPACT on the board. I'm pretty excited. Two days ago, with Kate's mentoring I hired the first member of my team, a guy named Brian. So Monday in addition to training Brian, I'll hopefully get some board time. I'm giving an IMPACT based off of two sources my dad gave me, "Learned Optimism" by Seligman, and "The Art of Possibility" by Zander.
But I never really wanted this blog to be about the elemental details of my life, but more about the state of my mind and the thoughts that inhabit it. But since so much has been happening, I felt it only fair to organize it briefly here.
Ok So this part is for me:
Something that recently has really been bothering me: People who cant spell/ ie: all the people at work who get up to do impacts on the whiteboard and spell "oppurtunity" instead of "opportunity" and so on.
Im trying not to get a reputation at the office for being a prick or pretentious, but I cant help but cringe at it when it happens. ha.
I spelled rapport the other day on the board and people were like... whoa, is that how thats spelled. I was like YES. YES IT IS. MOVING ON. LOL
We all have something to teach one another, unfortunately so far what I've got to offer is my internal spell checker. Yesterday a girl got up to the board and started to write "volunteer". She got to "v-o-l-u-n-t...." and then looked back at me, and i finished it for her. That was when I realized I might be a little more careful with my facial expressions when people are at the board. lol
Things on my mind:
kate and ashley
the car
maggie, 21! and maryland
aaron and jeremy
graduate school
tan lines hehe
joe college
danny in vermont
jim in the city
bumble bee halloween costume?
Anyway, I have to shower...... later folks.
Keep your friends.
They are precious.
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